Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Only the HEARTLESS support the "head". Can one have a soul if one lacks a heart?

Only the HEARTLESS support the "head". Can one have a soul if one lacks a heart?


Separating children from their parents. Losing track of where the parents are leaving hundreds of children unclaimed and still locked up in kennels and cages with mylar blankets to cover them at night. The "head" adoring worshippers say it is the fault of the parents. HEARTLESS.

Pardoning MURDERERS. HEARTLESS. The "head" adoring worshippers dance around that with bullsh** reasons none of which are logical or sensible or true but that doesn't matter to them. What "head" says/does is right no matter how wrong and evil and treasonous it is. He rules he rocks he rolls 'em all the time. They LOVE him.

Attacking heroes and smearing them. Because the "head" is a five-time cowardly fake bone spur draft dodger he makes light of heroism because he is so jealous of what they are that he is not.

LYING LYING LYING LYING LYING LYING LYING day and night..night and day. 24/7! If he opens his mouth and words come out rest assured they all LIES! Approaching 30,000? DOCUMENTED LIES. His "head" adoring worshippers believe every one of them and will justify every one of them forever more else they be targeted.

Grandstanding by abrogating abdicating and fleeing to a jolly fat farm palace club in Palm Beach while the country suffers the people suffer all due to him who with the strike of a pen could alleviate the suffering.  He doesn't care who suffers. He is playing tough holding firm proving once again he is the boss and what he says goes and no one will dare to do anything about him. As he pigs out on anything and everything, plays golfs with a partner(the grahamcracker spineless toady) to whom he lies about the score then tweets his whinyass moans and groans about how he really won by a landslide and his peeps continue to believe him. They are not cut from the same cloth as normal human beings but from a different cloth entirely.

There is far more. Much more. Too much to go into. But the pattern of the "head" is always consistent. He comes first. He attacks those who don't kiss his fat a** 24/7. Predictable slug sloth maggot roach. Jabba the hut. The American version.

Posted - December 28, 2020


  • 33853
    You should never make decisions based on emotion. 
    You will make bad decisions and end of having to make amends, apologies and regrets. 

    We should make decisions based on the facts of the situtation. 
    We should do as the the Bible tells us in James 1:19-20
    19My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, 20because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires
      December 28, 2020 5:46 AM MST