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IF ONLY America elected presidents based who got THE MOST VOTES Hillary would have been pres not the "HEAD" instead. Viruswise better off?

Posted - December 29, 2020


  • 10560
    That is questionable.  While no one will actually ever knew the true answer, it is possible that we might not have been any better off with her at the helm.   Depending on what she did (or didn't do), things may have wound up here either way.
      December 29, 2020 11:54 AM MST

  • 113301
    You honestly and truly really believe what you just wrote? EGAD GOOD GRIEF MY GAWD! SEriously? Okey dokey. Here's where we diverge very bigly. I'm shocked stunned perplexed bamboozled. Thank you for your shocking stunning perplexing bamboozling reply. SIGH.
      December 29, 2020 12:10 PM MST

  • 10560
    I am in no way standing up for trump.  I'm just saying that I think the road Clinton would led us down (from when she first got into office) MIGHT not have been too well accepted.  This country was already divided into red and blue in 2016, and many people didn't think she was all that honest.  At the time, Clinton was the lesser of 2 evils. {It has always been my opinion that neither trump or Clinton would have made a good president (we now know he sure wasn't)}.  She would have been faced with a republican controlled congress and they would have stonewalled her every chance they got.  By the time the virus came along, we MIGHT have been so bogged down in political upheaval that things MAY have played out in a similar manner (people being stupid, not listening, anti-maskers, and such).  I'm sure she would have had more political sense (after all, she was a politician) and would probably have listened to reason (Fauci).  But that doesn't mean the rest of the people would have.
      December 29, 2020 5:26 PM MST

  • 113301
    You know I admire and respect you right? But your reply so shocked me I asked a question about it because I wanted to know if others looked at it as you do. I think the "head" is the most vile vicious vitriolic vindictive monstrous abomination ever created. I know many people have many issues with the Clintons. They were not perfect by any means but to say her leadering might have led us to the same place as we are now just smacked me down. As far as being stonewalled Obama was bigly stonewalled. Joe Biden will be bigly stonewalled if the Georgia runoff isn't a big DEM win for both seats. That will make us even and our Vice President Kamala Harris will be the deciding vote. Less than that and Joe's job will be made so much more difficult. Anyway it was no disrespect to you that I asked that question. It's the only way I can unload what's bothering me just to see if it bothers others too. The only way I can learn about things I hadn't considered. If I don't ask how can I possibly learn? Thank you for your reply Shuhak. Conjecture/opining never proves anything. It just sometimes makes things more confusing. Happy Wednesday! STAY SAFE! :) This post was edited by RosieG at December 30, 2020 11:27 AM MST
      December 30, 2020 2:04 AM MST