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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Actors have tryouts to see who fits a role best. Some jobs have trial periods to do a test run of an employee's capabilities. A president?

Actors have tryouts to see who fits a role best. Some jobs have trial periods to do a test run of an employee's capabilities. A president?

We should have had a set time, say 6 months, to see what the "head" was like as a president. He would have been kicked out and sent on his way in 2017 around July. Just imagine what we would have not had to go through including his abominable mocking ridiculing ignoring of the virus and his complete indifference to the suffering and deaths and his abdicating the role of president while he went off to play golf eat and tweet and complain and whine and lie? Hard to go there now isn't it? .

Just imagine that if you can? All the corruption and the crimes and crooks we would not have had to endure. All the thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of lies every day.

A test period. A tryout. A shakedown cruise. Pilots test new aircraft to determine the flaws. We the people should have a right to "test drive" a president to see what his flaws are. Too many and he is out on his fat a**. A few that are fixable? Well he would have to agree to cooperate and change. He would have to agree that there was room for improvement. Imagine the "head" doing any of that? That is his biggest flaw. He doesn't know how very terribly awful he is at everything. He thinks he is a supremely magnificent GOD! What a nutjob!

And then when a new president was elected we would have had a normal sane logical calm transfer of power. Not this dog and pony show of a whinya** crackpot holding up the country and tearing it apart and fomenting vile riots. He is fomenting asking for begging for it.

IMAGINE WHAT OUR LIVES WOULD HAVE BEEN having the grace and goodness of his absence?.


Posted - December 29, 2020
