Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Some internet social sites SUSPENDED duckhead for hours. To eliminate his hate speech and lies temporarily. WHY NOT FOREVERLY?

Some internet social sites SUSPENDED duckhead for hours. To eliminate his hate speech and lies temporarily. WHY NOT FOREVERLY?

Throw him out. Lock him up. Isolate him. Solitary confinement till he dies. Ignominous SOB tried and failed miserably.

Posted - January 7, 2021


  • 3719
    When learning the principles of telescopes in Physics lessons at school, the "object at an infinite distance" on which we focused the optical-bench lenses was a brickyard chimney. That defined an "infinite distance away" as all of half a mile.

      I've a horrible feeling the likes of Facebook have a similar definition of "indefinite": two weeks being near enough infinity when it suits them. And why? Notoriety can be very useful commercially.  

    Hasn't His Lordship still been able to post stuff on Twitter, by it coming from an aide?
      January 8, 2021 4:23 PM MST

  • 113301
    Yes m'dear he did. I suppose he will have an endless supply of flunkies that will continue to enable and facilitate the madness. But I see ahead incarceration for him. Sedition. Facilitating goading demanding an overturning of the election. Repeating repeating repeating lies endlessly to feed the frenzy of his crackpot weaponized braindead adoring worshippers. It worked. They did exactly what he programmed them to do. He has committed grievous crimes against this country. Nothing will ever atone for that. BUT HE WILL PAY FOR IT. He lives in terror that all his crimes will be his final hurrah. No escape from the judgment. So these next few days he will act out as horribly as he can. Once he is gone his minions will continue on with his hate and his defiling and his perverting and his destroying. At least when Hitler died Nazism died for all intents and purposes. I'm going to ask that. Thank you for your reply Durdle and Happy Saturday. Your country is locked down now isn't it? Condolences m'dear! :) This post was edited by RosieG at January 9, 2021 2:34 AM MST
      January 9, 2021 2:32 AM MST

  • 3719
    Thank you for the condolences. The death-toll here, counted as death within 28 days of a positive Covid test, is now around 80 000; but I don't know how many of the deaths were more or less inevitable anyway, with Covid giving the coup de grace

    The fear is that Christmas probably encouraged it, with very many people pushin gthe mixing rules to the limit, or even stepping over it. Most Britons seem to be obeying the restrictions but there are still those who won't, thinking rules don't apply to them, or that the disease does not exist /  cannot hurt them.


    The social-media companies are in a difficult situation, because they have to tread a very thin line between censoring opinion and censoring unlawful posts.

    They are constantly closing posts inciting murder or other serious crimes, but as fast as they remove one, another appears in its place, and that will continue until they become much more active. I wondered if they could permanently blocking anything from the sending device's electronic address, and give its owner's details to the authorities;  but even that would not stop it entirely because the writers would probably go and use a public, work or college computer instead.

    The Third Reich died with Adolf Hitler, yes, but his basic ideas did not; and there are an alarming number of pro-Nazi and similarly-minded fanatics about now, individuals, groups or on-line circles; in the USA, in the UK and in quite a number of other countries.  
      January 9, 2021 3:31 PM MST

  • 113301
    The PEOPLE'S CHOICE. Dirty rather than clean. Violence rather than peaceful. Hate rather than acceptance of "the other". MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY meaning do what I demand or be prepared to perish. That so many CHOOSE a life of violence and death and hate shocks me. It's like choosing poison rather than ambrosia or magic potions. Like choosing dark over light and fright/might over cooperation consideration amelioration. All mad? INSANE? I don't know but I am sure they are all MENTAL DEFECTIVES. It is not normal or rational or logical in my opinion to choose dark over light. But millions have do and will continue. WHY is that? Any idea? Thank you for your reply Durdle!
      January 11, 2021 2:53 AM MST

  • 3719
    I've no idea either, save that many people with strong Party views cling to them even when the non-personal object of their loyalty is distorted by the personal ambition of individuals within the Party.  

    That clinging may seem irrational but I don't go as far as calling it a mental illness though. It's as simple as emotion and long-standing loyalty to cause, over-taking consideration of what is actually happening.

    The Labour Party in the UK went through a somewhat similar phase though far less destructively, with Jeremy Corbyn. He caused big rifts in his own Party by his opinions and policy wishes, but it did not stop Party members and voters supporting the Party and its ideology as a whole. It was just the aims of the man and his circle (sarcastically nicknamed "Corbynistas") they disliked, seeing them as too far-Left and not very affordable or practical; and the Labour Party as a whole is still respected as the country's other main party generally, and as the presently major Opposition Party.

    (I think the British Left-Right spectrum is possibly wider than but generally somewhat to the Left of, the USA's. We do have far-wing groups on both sides, even still the Communist Party, but they are minorities unattractive to most Britons of Left or Right.)
      January 11, 2021 3:51 AM MST

  • 113301
    Of course I have no education or background or expertise in what defines mental illness. But I do believe that anyone who supprts TRAITOR DON is mentally defective simply because he so evil mean cruel and a BAS**RD who is only interested in himself. NO loyalty to any he demands loyalty from all. He throws those who dare to disagree with him under bus. He lies all the time...57,000 and counting allegedly He is a TRAITOR who espouses HATE of "the other". Please tell me how anyone sane could support that? I'm serious. Thank you for your thoughtful reply Durdle. What awaits us today I don't know. On Tuesday TRAITOR DON will do a photo op in Alamo, Texas bragging about 400 miles of WALL. All of the he** that is swirling around everywhere and this is what he choose to do? GOOD GRIEF! :( This post was edited by RosieG at January 11, 2021 3:59 AM MST
      January 11, 2021 3:58 AM MST

  • 3719
    There was a Press Association photo in my local newspaper a few days ago, of Trump looking at part of that border wall, but it didn't say when the photo was taken. It did though, say the builders damaged a lot of fragile habitats and indigenous sites. 

    I'm afraid when it comes to supporting people like him, emotion takes over, but I am not convinced that all 7-million odd Republican voters are hard-line "Trumpists". Many are, yes, the noisy ones; but I still think there are plenty we don't hear about, who put up with him and might even be glad to see the back of him, but saw the Party as more important.

    Although some leaders do have magnetic personalities for good or bad, generally voters in democracies tend to be loyal to party more than person, because the person is the leader only temporarily. 

    We can only all hope for a peaceful and dignified Inauguration, and a time of reconstruction and healing. Trump will still be about, as bitter as ever, but I think he will gradually become yesterday's news.

    As for your question though, even Twitter is not happy at having ejected Trump because these sites are publishers not just the innocent messengers they used to claim, and they are acutely aware of treading a fine line between stopping inciteful posts and censoring opinions. 
      January 16, 2021 3:19 PM MST

  • 113301
    TRAITOR DON got 74 MILLION votes Durdle so 74 MILLION suckerupper a**-kissing deviates found him to be the better person. 74 MILLION dumbheads. Now how many of them are insurrectionists I cannot say. But all their sympathies lie with the insurrectionists elsewise they would not have voted for TRAITOR DON. So you see our problems? They lurk everywhere. They are here and there and we cannot escape them. They wish us grievous harm and many of them will act against us to take us out. Of that I have no doubt!. They are all RACISTS and TRAITORS to the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. I would wish that our country be rid of them but of course that cannot be. So we struggle and simply try to survive and I don't know what will come next. A pox on the houses of all who adore worship defend support love admire respect TRAITOR DON. I will never forgive them. Thank you for your reply Durdle! :)
      January 17, 2021 2:03 AM MST

  • 3719
    Oh yes, we can all see the USA is riven by deep divisions, and among them are groups who believe in democracy (small 'd') only when it goes their way - and very  noisy and unpleasant some of them are, too. Dangerous, even.

    Yet although anyone reading your posts knows you don't support the Republican Party and despise Trump, you can't tar them all supporters of the party with the same brush - we see that with leading Republican politicians deserting him.

    Nor is it right to call people mentally ill for having political views you don't like. That was a favourite ploy of the USSR.

    Yes, the whole world outside of America sees Trump for what he is, and the damage he did internationally; and it is very hard to understand why so many American still support him... but do they support him or his party?

    What we need know is what it is they support, and why. I doubt many of them are interested in foreign affairs, but if you leave aside the likes of Qanon and the Proud Boys, and their left-wing opponents come to that,  it's clear that they think the election was faulty if not actually rigged, and that they think the Republican Party would be better for the USA than the Democratic Party anyway. I cannot say which would, and it's not my place anyway,  but we can't escape that the Republican Party still gained millions of votes despite Trump.

    So it may not be merely a matter of who led it but very much also a sincere loyalty to Party. Even so it does look as if Trump's attraction was merely his "talk tough and don't think" personality rather than administrative, leadership and diplomatic abilities.

    I suppose that is a risk in any republic whose political premier is also the head of state and is elected directly.  


    Racists? Oh yes - although racism and sectarianism are by no means confined to the USA, parts of American society are known to be still very racist even though the nation finally abolished apartheid in the states still using, decades ago now.  Social attitudes ingrained over more than 200 years will take a long time to fade away, but you suffered from a head of state who made little or no attempt to heal such divisions or clamp down on racist groups. (Not all the cults Trump thanked as his fans are racist. The Proud Boys, set up by a  Cuban, is deeply mysoginist but claims to be not racist, though many of its followers are probably both. QANON's main targets are wealthy whites.)

    Traitors? A good question. The foreigner's stereotypical view is that Americans do not go in for irony. Oh yes they do, in the extremists who claim to support all-American values while doing the very opposite. I think they sincerely believe they are as loyal as Uncle Sam would like, not traitors; but are too deeply wedded to their prejudices to see the flaws in their arguments and methods. 

    Whether Trump was a traitor is another question again. I don't think he intended to be, despite his curious relationships with dictators elsewhere. He certainly believed his own nationalist, isolationist rhetoric - MAGA and all - but he inflicted terrible damage on the country's standing abroad and on very delicate international treaties negotiated over years by very skilled diplomats from many countries. The result was that he only heightened international tensions in a very dangerous world and played into the hands of America's enemies. He may not have intended that, but he simply has no empathy for other countries and societies, does not understand them and had come to power in the world's richest country despite no experience of international  affairs. From a foreigner's point of view he betrayed the USA, but by cock-up not conspiracy. He wanted to "Make America Great Again" industrially, hence his domestic support, and I don't know to what extent he succeeded;  but internationally, he just had no idea what he was doing. 

    How did he come to such power despite being so unqualified? The simple answer is a system that makes it possible! More to the point here is that the Republican Party clearly has something that attracts so many followers. Further, no-one could foretell what would happen after 2016, when Trump made promises very attractive to Republican voters of whom most are not stupid but may be naive and probably regard direct domestic matters like their own employment as far more important than the mystery lands beyond the oceans. 
      January 17, 2021 5:21 AM MST

  • 113301
    Where do I begin? I honestly believe anyone who supports TRAITOR DON is mentally defective. I do. Now of course I am not a professional and so it is only my opinion based on my observation based on the nature of the person being adored worshipped loved. I can call anyone anything I want. Remember free speech? I am entitled to it as mucn as anyone else. My OPINION is as ENTITLED to my speaking out as is anyone else's. So setting that aside I do also think any Republican who supports TRAITOR DON IS A TRAITOR. Now of course that does not pertain to FORMER republicans who have stepped away from the party because they no longer can recognize it. There is a fine group of FORMER REPUBLICANS called THE LINCOLN PROJECT. They spent a lot of time and money running ads supporting Joe Biden and eviscerating TRAITOR DON. They are not among those whom I believe are CRAZY or TRAITORS. Only those who silently supported out of fear or hate and those who still see TRAITOR DON as sent by GAWD to save them. I understand that what an outsider sees cannot be the same as what the insider lives with. There are others from other countries who are not as evenhanded as you are Durdle. I say my piece and they get on board and add to it expand on it and deepen the value of it. Doesn't make any never mind to me how you see it or how they see it though I admit I do feel a closer kinship to those whose intellect and emotion run parallel to mine. I'm sure you do as well, right? It's human nature. Thank you for your lengthy observations. I appreciate the time you invest. We can't win 'em all but we have to keep at bat and swing away. We have no alternative. Well death is one but not one I choose. This post was edited by RosieG at January 17, 2021 5:38 AM MST
      January 17, 2021 5:35 AM MST

  • 3719
    Oh, yes, I respect your right to your opinions, though branding your political opponents as "mentally defective", and indeed the phrase itself, is not very kind to those with genuine mental illnesses!

    No, I cannot understand them either, though as I am neither American nor living in America I don't understand US domestic politics in detail anyway. I see only the general picture and the effects of US foreign policies.

    I don't know what they really want but they seem to me as if driven by a mixture of dogma and very deep grievances, real or not but which they think a Republican government led by President Trump could solve. Because I am not there, I don't how near objective reality their grievances and beliefs are though; but they must hold them very strongly to believe the election process itself was stacked against them.  Human nature, as you say!

    I agree, from the foreign policy point of view, that Trump betrayed America abroad; though I think from ego, lack of empathy and incompetence rather than intention. Whether he betrayed the nation to itself, at home, only you living there can decide.

    He did not endear himself to Britain not long after he was elected, first by him deciding he'd come here on a State Visit, then while here, allegedly suggesting we sell our National Health Service to US pharmaceutical companies! (The NHS already buys a lot of goods from them.)  The lack of a polite but robust "Not Likely" from our Conservative-led government, led to Labour Party followers going around chanting a new mantra, "The NHS is Not For Sale", for a while. 
      January 17, 2021 3:36 PM MST