Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "This is not who we are"! Of course it is. The wacky insane ignorant stupid dumbs. That is exactly who that part of us are. Not?

"This is not who we are"! Of course it is. The wacky insane ignorant stupid dumbs. That is exactly who that part of us are. Not?

The country is made up of stupid dumbs, ignorants, evildoers, crackpot conspiracy theorists as well as the calm restrained intelligent logical patriotic just. All of it is indeed "WHO WE ARE".

We must needs limit or EXCISE completely preferably that part that is made up of stupid dumbs ignorants domestic terrorists white supremacists wackadoodlenoodles. Minimize their number by whatever means possible. Like committing them to insane asylums where they will be kept isolated until they die. So they can't sex it up and create more like them. It's a start. We gotta start somewhere.

Posted - January 7, 2021


  • 10560
    Yes, it's exactly who "we" are. 

    "We" had the power to stop this long before it happened,  "We" sat idly by.
    "We" knew well before the election this would happen.  "We" cheered it on.
    For 4 years "we" heard the lies and saw the actions. 
    "We" knew.  "We" knew.

    Now "we" act shocked and bewildered at an outcome "we" knew was going to happen.
    "We" quickly condemn the action as monstrous, barbaric, and unamerican ... as "we" desperately trying to hide "our" blood stained hands.

    This is who "we" are.  And "we" are proud of it.  
      January 7, 2021 10:37 AM MST

  • 113301
    Dam* straight and don't you forget it! "They" not moi or thee. What comes next Shuhak? His deranged dogs are itching for another show of power. This time more weapons. That's what one of them said. We will be back with more firepower or words to that effect. For how long? Until a week from forever minus two. Sigh. Thank you for your reply. They stole things they smashed things and broke things they trashed things. And that just made them more bloodthirsty. The dickhead said WE LOVE YOU YOU ARE VERY SPECIAL. Some putdown right? Next on the menu/agenda/hate list?
      January 7, 2021 11:07 AM MST