Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Think the deranged domestic terrorists who adore the dickhead will insurrect BEFORE the inauguration or are will that be THE BIG BLOW?

Think the deranged domestic terrorists who adore the dickhead will insurrect BEFORE the inauguration or are will that be THE BIG BLOW?

They are primed and pumped and juiced up and the dockhead will keep telling them he LOVES THEM and THEY ARE VERY SPECIAL. That's all they need to keep doing what they do so well. DESTTROY DESTRUCT DEFAME DEFILE in his name. LOYAL till they die but they will raise their spawn to do the same. They have already declared  dockhead a saint you see. Saint lovers/worshippers don't fade away. Be prepared.  Duckhead is here to stay. So is death destruction insurrection and violence.

Posted - January 8, 2021
