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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Which class do you think would draw more to study it? A class all about the nature of EVIL or the nature of GOOD?

Which class do you think would draw more to study it? A class all about the nature of EVIL or the nature of GOOD?

Do we really think about what we think about? Or do we just fall into patterns of belief because of whom we associate with? We adopt theirs because we like them? So we embrace what they embrace? How much actual "thinking evaluating examining" goes into that? None at all?

Take the Nazis. What was their cause? The purity of the "race"? To exterminate that which did not fit that standard? Who or what determined the standard? How did they come to hate "the other" enough to eliminate it when possible?

Is good always based on how we see ourselves? Do we ever see ourselves as "bad" or is it rather that we see those unlike us as "bad"? Which came first?

The anatomy of evil and how it drives people to live their lives. Evil seems to be very magnetic/irresistible.
The anatomy of good. Is it much harder to be good and do good than it is to be evil and do evil?

Is GOOD ever irresistible?

Posted - January 8, 2021
