Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Didja see/hear? THE WORM TURNED! The terrified dickhead did 180 reversal and ATTACKED the insurgents for attacking the Capitol! WHAT?

Didja see/hear? THE WORM TURNED! The terrified dickhead did 180 reversal and ATTACKED the insurgents for attacking the Capitol! WHAT?

It shows ya how terrified dickhead is. This morning they ran side by side his inciting rhetoric telling the insurgents that being weak would not get the job done with awesome they were and how they made him proud yadayadayada. Bullsh** anyway you slice it. Oh. That's baloney not bullsh**! I guess it's too squishy to slice..

Now he is all aghast at what they did and attacks them for doing precisely what he has egged them to do for years!

See? They cannot depend on him to support them. He is a major CLass A chickensh**!

Verificable by all his prior disloyal reversals.

All those wh participated in the attack he says are GUILTY and will pay for it. The prior day he said WE LOVE YOU. YOU ARE VERY SPECIAL.

Today he vilifies eviscerates berates blames them for doing what he praised them for doing priorly.

Of coursethat is what cowards do. That's why you ought never count on them because they will go all coward on you too. YES. I AM SPEAKING DIRECTLY TO YOU his adoring worshippers. Whaddaya think  of the big guy now? Are you gonna roll over too or are you goind to go directly against him and stick to your guns that that old duckhead was the true duckhead and this duckhead is an IMPOSTER? WEll? I'm waiting!

Posted - January 8, 2021
