Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » We are advised to "tone down the rhetoric." Where's the fun in that? When did dickhead ever tone down? He doubles down and tones up. RIGHT?

We are advised to "tone down the rhetoric." Where's the fun in that? When did dickhead ever tone down? He doubles down and tones up. RIGHT?

If he do why can't we do too?

Sauce for goose is sauce for gander
Give back what you get

Get what you give back

Tit for tat and dat is dat

Now we have the massive mongrelized radicalized hordes of dickhead weponized adoring worshippers stalking yelling shouting threatening everyone they perceive as an enemy to the dickhead.What a great thing he leaves behind. Like after a huge parade with lots of folks on lots of horses all the poop the horses let go of as they prance down the street. The dickhead poop after 4 years is quite a lot to clean up.

Posted - January 8, 2021
