Meaning that dickhead is far more worser than Hitler ever was.
No disrespect to the 6 million souls exterminated at his behest.
But with what dickhead has wrought in further radicalizing all the braindead witless mindless weaponized haters his infamy will continue on in them. How many of them are there? Millions? All filled with rage and hate and champing at the bit to avenge get revenge take out his "enemies". Eventually it could number in the millions.
So I say again that dickhead is a better Hitler than Hitler was in terms of the evil invigorated consecrated elevated generated perpetrated.
How many clones of him are there out there waiting for their chance to get the power? The only hope would be to elimimate all those who adore dickhead. No not murder them. Just get rid of them from this country. Ship them out and away to someplace else where they can destroy whatever they wish. We don't want them here. We want them GONE.
Who objects to that and why?