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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » This is rich! The dickhead crackpot Kevin McCarthy sez that impeaching the dickhead "WILL DIVIDE THE COUNTRY"! OH MY GAWD!`CLUELESS?

This is rich! The dickhead crackpot Kevin McCarthy sez that impeaching the dickhead "WILL DIVIDE THE COUNTRY"! OH MY GAWD!`CLUELESS?

Clueless goofy gumby gioober has spent years DIVIDING THE COUNTRY and all of his wanton promiscuous hoorish past is erased and all of a sudden he is a virgin pure as the driven snow? SERIOUSLY?

This is the depth of the stupidity of these dipstick supporters. They are so stupid they are more stupid than dickhead is.

Stupid will out. Lipstick a pig. It's still a pig only now it is also garish gawdy nauseating and stomach-churning.

The dickhead tries to lipstsick everything ruining everything. Too obtuse to know what he does. He does do it cuz he wants ta and that's that.

Dickhead. Dipstick. Obtuse. Stupid dumb. Ignorant. Crass. Cruel. Evil. Traitor. He is so many things no wonder he did so much good for the country in four years. Just wait. He has a few more days to perform his ways. Bet you can hardly wait to see what he comes up with next. Can you?

Posted - January 9, 2021
