Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Allegedly we have laws that allow us to THROW THE BOOK at foreign terrorists. All well and good. WHADDABOUT domestic TERRORISTS?

Allegedly we have laws that allow us to THROW THE BOOK at foreign terrorists. All well and good. WHADDABOUT domestic TERRORISTS?

No specific laws prohibiting THAT?

White is right even when it murders destroys smashes?

Really? How is that right and good?

What this country needs right now is a dose of reality. Domestic terrorism by WHITE SUPREMACISTS is our major problem terrorismwise. MORE DEATHS OCCUR AT THE HANDS OF WHITE SUPREMACIST DOMESTIC TERRORISTS than people of color or so we are told. The head of the FBI has said so. And yet infamous TRAITOR DON adores them and sucks up to them and coddles them and they adore him so he gives comfort and encourages them and then safe harbors them. Because of course traitor don is one of them. A domestic white supremacist terrorist. TRAITOR DON promised to make america great again. Did he?

OKAY with you because they're white and all white is good? White trash. White sluts. White pimps. White thieves. White murderers....especially if they're cops? White is always right. Right? America the beautiful if and only if you are white and extreme right wing racist crackpot. We have a lot of them. Millions of them. They keep having babies. Too bad they are so fertile.

Posted - January 10, 2021
