Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Best to walk a mile in their shoes before you put them down.You can't relate comprehend understand what they've been through. Can you?

Best to walk a mile in their shoes before you put them down.You can't relate comprehend understand what they've been through. Can you?

Turnabout is "fair play".

One day perhaps maybe you will have to chance to experience what they have and then maybe perhaps you will become a better person for it. Ya think there's a chance of that?

Say all white racist supremacists who hate people of color for instance.

Make them the targets of hate insult attacks murders lynchings. See how they like it or take to it or endure it. Or will they cry like little babies because they don't have the right stuff to survive the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune?

They always have relied on the color of their skin to get by on and thrive on. Make it so they can't. See how brave and big and strong they are then. Betcha they all whinya** and cringe and cry and whine and moan and groan. They never had a chance to build muscle or character or integrity or endurance. They were NEVER TESTED. What happens when they are? Will they overcome? Do white lives matter? The white lives that denigrate the "black lives matter" people? We shall see. One day the test will come. We shall see how they perform when they are being targeted. We shall see. Place your bets.

Posted - January 10, 2021
