Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » I know America has tons of problems but I think the biggest one may be the millions of mental defectives roaming around freely. What to do?

I know America has tons of problems but I think the biggest one may be the millions of mental defectives roaming around freely. What to do?

TRAITOR DON is a mental defective. All the imbecilic insurrectionists are mental defectives. All those who were on the sidelines like donjohnjurr the idiot boy watching and cheering the attempted coup are mental defectives. All the GOP pols who signed letters refusing to accept the results of a verified validated election are mental defectives. Their families who support them are mental defectives. That is a lot of millions of mental defectives who are not incarcerated or controlled or contained or shackled or straightjacketed or in prison or jail or an sor a leanto or a carport or a stockade or a pigsty or a chicken coop or a stable or facing beheading or hanging or electrocuting or being injected with a deadly something so they die...figuratively is good enough for me. Literally? EVERYONE dies eventually. If their corrupt actions hastens their demises oh well. It's on them not me or thee.

Are there more mental defectives than those who stable sane? AT the moment I don't think so (BIDEN WON BY 7 MILLION VOTES) but it sure as he** is getting there at this rate.

Mental defectives are good for nothing but defectiveness. Destruction. Destroying. Defaming. Desecrating Denigrating. Defiling. Deprecating. Degrading. Deviling. Devoluting. Devolving. Deadening. Apologies if I forgot to list any other "de" that is applicable. I did my best to be comprehensively accurate. Sometimes my best isn't good enough.

Posted - January 10, 2021
