Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Do any of you who served in the military understand why anyone in the military would have gone GAGA over TRAITOR DON?

Do any of you who served in the military understand why anyone in the military would have gone GAGA over TRAITOR DON?

Like say Mike Flynn who once upon a time was allegedly a respected General?

TRAITOR DON is the one whose daddy dearest bought him freedom from serving his country via a doctor who was bought off by the rich daddy to keep his precious namby pamby coward son out of the military.

The five time fake bonespur draft dodger who called those who serve in the military LOSERS seems to me should be despised by everyone in the military as well as the families of those who gave their lives in service to their country.

A poster boychick girly man wimp of white privilege and cowardice. Some role model for dipstick crackpots. But for serious AMERICAN citizens who served their country with pride and dedication? How could any of them stand to even look at him or listen to him? I DON'T GET IT.

Posted - January 11, 2021
