Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » There is LIGHT and there is DARK. More people are CHOOSING the dark over the light and I don't understand why that is. Do you?

There is LIGHT and there is DARK. More people are CHOOSING the dark over the light and I don't understand why that is. Do you?

If you do could you please explain it to me in the simplest of terms?

Truth. Justice. Honor. Integrity. Cooperation. Amelioration. Consideration. Respect.

Now they are all epithets that those who adore the DARK ridicule mock and revile. WHY?

Depraved deviate operate best in the dark where no one can see what they are doing. Plots are hatched in the dark. Murders most egregious occur very often in the dark. Evil exists full blow in the dark.

Avoiding the light as if it were death itself is what millions of people choose to do. What is wrong with them? Emotional mentally spiritually defective obviously. And growing more and worse and bigger. Are we doomed?
We insurrect against truth. We treason against our own people. We treachery and vilify and attack and insult whatever isn't our own ilk. WHY?

Posted - January 11, 2021
