Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The obtuse refuse to take "NO" for an answer. They cannot comprehend understand grasp. THICKHEADED. Why is that?

The obtuse refuse to take "NO" for an answer. They cannot comprehend understand grasp. THICKHEADED. Why is that?

Others who are astute and aware don't even have to be told "NO". They can sense it coming and stop before it has to be expressed.

Are there more thick heads around that those who are astute?

Are they born that way or does society make them that way?

I dunno but I much prefer those folks who can "read between the lines" "see the handwriting on the wall" without having to be hit over the head with baseball bat. Even them some don't get it. That's what being thickheaded is. Impervious. RIGID. PETRIFIED. MARBLEIZED. TRAITOR DON and his imbecilic insurrections are all thickheaded petrified rigid marbleized. So are his toady sycophants and adoring worshippers. Odd that.

Posted - January 11, 2021
