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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The 25th amendment sits there beckoning. But spineless docile wimpy mike pence refuses to avail himself of it. WHY?

The 25th amendment sits there beckoning. But spineless docile wimpy mike pence refuses to avail himself of it. WHY?

The Cabinet cannot do it without him. He is an essential part and so his reluctance stops it dead in its tracks. The Founding Fathers did not count on a spineless wimp who even after HE IS THROWN UNDER THE BUS by the president WILL NOT do anything to hasten his ouster.

Why that is I do not know. Do you? Remaining loyal to a poisonous snake who bit you? This in smart because?

Posted - January 12, 2021


  • 33886
    I am not happy with Pence. But he is not spineless. 
    He stood up against Trump....saying does not believe he had the power to send the EC electors back to the states.  And is now standing up to Pelosi and co....spineless he is not.  Incorrect on the electors...I believe he is. But he has the guts to stand. 
      January 12, 2021 5:29 AM MST