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Stu Spelling Bee
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » TRAITOR DON did the dirty. Did the filthy. Did his USUAL. BLAMED EVERYONE ELSE for the violence. LIAR LIAR LIAR!. Dirty filthy TRAITOR DON?

TRAITOR DON did the dirty. Did the filthy. Did his USUAL. BLAMED EVERYONE ELSE for the violence. LIAR LIAR LIAR!. Dirty filthy TRAITOR DON?

Plus which TRAITOR DON is a yellow bellied chickensh** COWARD!

What do you expect of a five time fake bonespur DRAFT DODGER?


Oh. We have been the laughtingstock of the world since TRAITOR JOHN was installed in the 2016 RIGGED "election" . Every year the laughter got louder. The derision deeper. The humiliation greater.


They are all hysterical from laughter. The country that referred to itself as EXCEPTIONAL is worthy of jeering and sneering.

Those of you who are oblivious to that really are delusional stupid dumb and robots.

Posted - January 12, 2021
