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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » TRAITOR DON unleashed the beast and has no control over it whatsoever. They're wound up and nothing/no one can stop it. How bad will it get?

TRAITOR DON unleashed the beast and has no control over it whatsoever. They're wound up and nothing/no one can stop it. How bad will it get?

You think they will stop because TRAITOR DON tells them to?

First of all he dare not. He is afraid of them too. That they will abandom him and he will have NO ONE.

Second of all even if he opened his trap to pull them back they can't hear him. They're on a mission.

Stay tuned.

Posted - January 12, 2021


  • 10560
    Once a mob gets going, there's no stopping it.  It makes up its own rules as it rolls along.  

    Until the powers that be take a firm stand for their country, this will only get worse.  They had a chance to "nip it in the bud", but refused.  They have a chance now  to try and mitigate it, but they still refuse.  Simply telling the ringleader "we think you're a naughty boy" does nothing but make him and his followers stronger (no punishment for crimes committed). 

    This man has lied and defrauded the nation for 4 years.  This isn't about republicans or democrats, it's about a man.  Unfortunately, too many people see it only as party.  Just because a person holds a prestigious title doesn't give the them a license to go about committing crimes.  This man has blatantly committed numerous "crimes", yet a majority turn a blind eye to them.  Some even going as far as calling his crimes "good deeds".  They hear his lies and conspiracy theories, but declared them truths; claiming that the "otherside" only sought to slander him.  Only now are a few of them finally beginning to see what's actually been going on.  Even so, they really don't want to do anything about it.   They don't want to "make waves", lest they look bad to their colleagues or the insurrectionists, or perhaps even lose their party.  

    The cult is out there.  So charged up on lies and conspiracy theories that they can o longer differentiate up from down.  Their closed minds are no longer capable of hearing the truth.  They can only hear the voices of the rabble around them.  
      January 12, 2021 2:38 PM MST

  • 113301
    Jim Jordan said that "impeaching TRAITOR DON will only divide the country!" Yes honestly he said that. So that's why TRAITOR DON got so  much traction. The adoring worshppers are obtusely oblivious to what is going on. What Jordan said a day ago is among the most stupid dumb things I have ever heard anyone say. Clearly he is unable or reluctant to admit that TRAITOR DON has done nothing to unite the country and everything he could to divide the country starting from his campaigning the first time. Now where was Jordan's mind during all that time? That I cannot tell you. But all the adoring worshippers toady sycophants and terrified homo saps signed in on the BIG LIE starting from when TRAITOR DON said the only way he could lose (2016) was if the election were rigged. That was his BIG LIE from the get go and it is still the BIG LIE today.Millions of people signed on to the BIG LIE and will die believing it. How to change that? I wish I knew. Thank you for your reply Shuhak and Happy Wednesday! :) This post was edited by RosieG at January 13, 2021 12:33 PM MST
      January 13, 2021 1:57 AM MST