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Stu Spelling Bee
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » I expect the last possibly BEST weapon we will ever have is ridicule. Mocking. If people had RIDICULED and MOCKED Hitler guess what?

I expect the last possibly BEST weapon we will ever have is ridicule. Mocking. If people had RIDICULED and MOCKED Hitler guess what?

He would have been laughed out of power. The tragedy was people took the madman SERIOUSLY.

Had they not. Had they recognized immediately they were dealing with a crackpot things would have been very different.

It is in the taking seriously where trouble lies. That is what we need to realize. And learn from.

Of course that  is only worthwhile if people are willing to engage in being educated. Many of them far prefer to remain ignorant. Information truth knowledge terrifies them. They are not equipped to handle it so they go oppositely where they can feel comfy. Go figger! It takes all kinds. Well I don't know about that. I think I can't agree with that. So I won't.

Posted - January 13, 2021
