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Stu Spelling Bee
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Know what must be FASTRACKED yeserday? A mean by which we identify and get rid of all the BAD EGGS. Remember Willy Wonka?

Know what must be FASTRACKED yeserday? A mean by which we identify and get rid of all the BAD EGGS. Remember Willy Wonka?

There was a scale on which everyone had to stand. The scale would determine who was a BAD EGG and toss him/her into an oblivion somewhere we never saw. That must be a priority to protect us from electing BAD EGGS. Before anyone gets on a ballot he/she must be examined thoroughly for evildoing or evil-thinking or evil-plotting. Only honest honorable dedicated people would pass that "scale" test. It is essential and critical that it be done else we will always be stuck with a TRAITOR DON and imbecilic insurrectionists.

Now do they deserve death? Not necessarily. Let them all be tossed to a different plane of existence. They live in their alternate reality anyway..a world of delusive thinking. Why not let them live out their fantasies all alone together without having to be confronted at every turn by TRUTH EVIDENCE PROOF FACT? They cannot comprehend it anyway and it furies them bigly.

This way EVERYBODY WINS. Whatcha think? It could be a different planet in a different universe in a different galaxy in a different time. Ship all of them to the year 3000 or back to the year 1000. Why not? What could it hurt?

Posted - January 13, 2021
