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Stu Spelling Bee
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "Pence refuses to remove TRAITOR DON from office so 2nd impeachment will be held and passed. SENATE ON BOARD THIS TIME?

"Pence refuses to remove TRAITOR DON from office so 2nd impeachment will be held and passed. SENATE ON BOARD THIS TIME?

I don't get pence. TRAITOR DON said diddly sh** to him about being a target of the imbecilic insurrectionist mad dog crowd. They brought a noose for him to lynch and swing as he died in front of the world. There was one for Nancy Pelosi too. So far TRAITOR DON remain unflinching true to type. Indifferent to all. INVESTED in himself alone and only him. A narcissisit to the end. A pathological nutjob. Loyal to no one but hisself own sweet self. He alone matters. He alone is worth saving. He alone He alone He alone. ONE ALONE.

Howsomever if the SENATE AGREES and passes the bill TRAITOR DON will be REMOVED FROM OFFICE BODILY IMMEDIATELY. Dragging and screaming and invecting and vitriolicking and vengenceing and threatening and attacking and insulting. SQUALING PIG. SQUAWKING CHICKENHAWK. You know. His typical usual standard ordinary everyday off the shelf from a hanger.

Posted - January 13, 2021
