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Stu Spelling Bee
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The weaonized have always sought battles where they could hack away....figuratively. Today? GREAT NEWS! Today it is LITERALLY! PROGRESS?

The weaonized have always sought battles where they could hack away....figuratively. Today? GREAT NEWS! Today it is LITERALLY! PROGRESS?

I suppose one could say we all "spill blood" figuratively when LIE about others and ATTACK and INSULT.

Some spill blood LITERALLY. And get off on it.

Have you ever purposely spilled blood? Was it exciting or disgusting? Did you fly high of throw up? Did you get buzz on or become very depressed?

I don't know what it "feels like" to kill/murder someone. It can't feel good for the sane. Right?

Posted - January 14, 2021
