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Stu Spelling Bee
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » It is the adoring worshipper and TOADY SYCOPHANT pols that enabled TRAITOR DON to carry on as he did. Were they born/shaped to be THAT?

It is the adoring worshipper and TOADY SYCOPHANT pols that enabled TRAITOR DON to carry on as he did. Were they born/shaped to be THAT?

Nothing there but yellow belly chicken cowards who repeated the LIES 24/7 for all the years the TRAITOR DON was in power.

No heros there. All the smart ones bailed and are no longer Republican. Republican now is an epithet or a punchline for those who remain proudly oblivous to what they are now.

THE BIG LIE will never die. Why? Because the brains of those who believed that lie are incapable of anything but doing what they are told believing what they are told. No curiosity nor interest in finding any TRUTH.

NONE. NOWHERE. NONE. How many millions of them are there still worshipping adoring adulating loving TRAITOR DON? "FORGIVE THEM FATHER FOR THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO" Oblivous obtuse obdurate obsolete

Stupid dumb robotic automatons. That they be that they are that they will die being.

What's next for them? Prostrating themselves at the "grave" of TRAITOR DON and martyring him and making him a saint. Wanna bet not? They know nothing else. He is their world. That is all that they have you see.

And so it goes. That's life. Que sera sera. And so forth. Get over it! Get a grip. Move on.

Posted - January 15, 2021
