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Stu Spelling Bee
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » We know that TRAITOR DON lives IN THE MOMENT. NOW is all that matters to him. He thinks not of what preceded or follows. NOW is it. Right?

We know that TRAITOR DON lives IN THE MOMENT. NOW is all that matters to him. He thinks not of what preceded or follows. NOW is it. Right?

That is likewise true of all those who adore the crap outta him. They only hear see smell feel NOW. There is no before or after or long-term. NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW.

This is what the result of that is. There is no planning for "later" and no backup for failure. One level one thought one moment one instant. All gone as if it never existed. Next? No next in the NOW. Only NOW in the NOW. And so it goes. Goodbye to before and so long to afterwards. Focus on NOW. NOW. NOW. NOW. NOW.

Posted - January 15, 2021
