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Stu Spelling Bee
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Once again things were not at all what they seemed to be. OH NO! NOT AGAIN?

Once again things were not at all what they seemed to be. OH NO! NOT AGAIN?

Seemed to be
TRAITOR DON triggered his hate groups who adore the crap outta him to weaponize and insurrectionize to overthrow the election.



Imbecilic insurrectionists made up of brain-dead hate groups weaponized to murder and ACTIVATED to attack AND SADLY
Some in the MILITARY
Some among the POLICE
Many among the active REPUBLICAN pols in the HOUSE and in the SENATE

Group tours were taken led by REPUBLICAN pols taking groups of insurrectionists around the Capitol for a DRY RUN
Blueprints and maps were handed out to them to guide them for the carnage murder to come next day
REPUBLICAN pols told them where the offices of their targets (they planned to murder them) were

Yes my pretties. It was not what it seemed at first blush. IT IS far more deplorably horrible grotesque and EVIL than we guessed. It was planned for months and trial runs were done.

How many are involved? That is unknown but suffice it to say probably millions of cowardly hate-based OBSESSED rats in all walks of life. You cannot trust anyone. Any one of them could be targeting you for murder. Hyperbolic? BULLSH**! Sadly it isn't. The hate-based OBSESSED confederate insurrectionists belonging to hate based groups who adore the a** of TRAITOR DON are primed and ready to go AIDED AND ABETTED by some in the military some among police groups and MANY REPUBLICAN POLS.

How d'ya like THAT? Uh huh. Uh huh. Just the way ya like it. Uh huh Uh huh! Go pound mud. Go suck an egg. Better than that is yet to come. Celebrate. WAIT. No go ahead CELEBRATE. We are surrounded by betrayers slayers naysayers. You cannot tell whom is which or which is what. TRUST NO ONE.

Posted - January 16, 2021
