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Stu Spelling Bee
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » This realization is almost too much joy for me to bear. Know how TRAITOR DON HATES to be upstaged?

This realization is almost too much joy for me to bear. Know how TRAITOR DON HATES to be upstaged?

HATES for anyone to get more attention than him? HATES to have the press ignore him and focus on others?

The TRAITOR DON imbecilic insurrectionists that he created are now the news nothing but the news all the news.

TRAITOR DON? Old hat. Just fat. Old news. Neutered. He done did it to hisself.

NOW? Now we concentrate on his creation and leave him to heaven or he**...whichever place will take him.

HE HATES THIS. Poor baby.

Posted - January 16, 2021
