Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » TRAITOR DON runs away to Mar a Lago where they kiss his a** 24/7 and where his ilk clap and cheer for him whenever he shows! REALLY?

TRAITOR DON runs away to Mar a Lago where they kiss his a** 24/7 and where his ilk clap and cheer for him whenever he shows! REALLY?

That's what I heard. A built-in cheering section who adore the crap outta him. I don't know what it costs to be membership up but ya ain't poor...that's fer sure.

He will spend his dying days enjoying the hazy craze of his lies. They will all suport those lies and tell him how he got screwed unglued chewed up and spit. Every day in every way they support his lies until his demise.

What more could he ask for?

Posted - January 19, 2021
