Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "We will cover his(the guy who has been replaced) speech unless he lies then we will leave it." Why didn't they do that from the start?

"We will cover his(the guy who has been replaced) speech unless he lies then we will leave it." Why didn't they do that from the start?

The minute the guy being replaced LIED why didn't they leave him or cut off the mike and refuse to listen to it?


Why didn't FACEBOOK banish him once his pattern was formed? And TWITTER AND ALL THE OTHER CHAT SITERS? WHY NOW when it is too late to save America from the filth and the lies and the hate?

FOUR YEARS OF IT. NOW they shut him up? I don't get it.

Posted - January 20, 2021


  • 35070
    Fascism in action. 
      January 20, 2021 6:57 AM MST