Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» It is so nice to see all the living FORMER presidents who WANT to be there be there. Carter is unable to travel. Otherwise? A ROYAL FLUSH?
If we take the joker out, that leaves 3 - Bush, Clinton, and Obama - not quite enough for a royal flush (A, K, Q, J, 10). However, if we include Carter (in spirit) and Biden, we could have a full house. However, since 4 are democratic and 1 is republicain, the best one can hope for is 4 of a kind.
(humor aside) At least they have (and are showing) dignity and respect.
Dignity and respect is back again in D.C. At least the attempt at getting it back. After 4 years of disrespect disgust despicable deplorable dipsticks. They are still out there on the fringes conspiring planning plotting colluding. What will it take to rid us of them? Insecticide? Thank you for your reply Shuhak! :)
Jimmy Carter recently fell and because of his frailty is in a wheel chair. I have much admiration for Mr. Carter who may not have been our best president, but certainly is one of the most awesome people in the world.