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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Viciously vitriolickly TRASHING your predecessor is only done to deflect attention from your own INADEQUACIES. Do they all do it?

Viciously vitriolickly TRASHING your predecessor is only done to deflect attention from your own INADEQUACIES. Do they all do it?

I expect to one extent or the other most do it to shore up their own"superiority". PROMISED BUT UNPROVEN OF COURSE. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. You can't eat what doesn't exist. Only after the fact of the success or failure can you assess with credibility what occurred. Of course one can always lie. That is a given. But hopefully some don't. Where there's life there's hope? Sometimes it bites them in the A**. Sometimes they get away with it. What could it hurt?

Posted - January 21, 2021
