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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Pecularly QUEER. "QANON believers are realizing their entire conspiracy was a hoax as President Biden is sworn in." You're kidding right?

Pecularly QUEER. "QANON believers are realizing their entire conspiracy was a hoax as President Biden is sworn in." You're kidding right?

What they truly believed would happen

Mass arrest of Democrats
A nationwide BLACKOUT

A VIOLENT overthrow of the government....did not happen
Former oval office occupant had no secret plan to stay in office
Joseph R. Biden was sworn in as President without a hitch
The former oval office occupant lives in Florida

They realize they were WRONG for months or years.

They are STUNNED SHOCKED AMAZED ENRAGED TERRIFIED that nothing happened at all after the aborted attempted insurrectionist coup the result of which will put many of them in prison. Bad gamble. No chance for another. No do-over. No mulligan.  Gone with the wind.

Sh** happens.

Posted - January 22, 2021


  • 3719
    Does anyone know yet who started QANON, even if they've not released his/her identity?
      January 22, 2021 3:32 PM MST

  • 113301
    I think it was some weirdo conspiracy lunatic who drew other weirdo conspiracy lunatics and that's how it was born. The specific weirdo conspiracy theory? Democrats run sex trafficking rings selling children, having sex with them then eating them. YEP! Cannabilism is part of this. How many weird lunatics are QANONS? Well one is too many but I dont know. They are as a weirdo queer lunatic group very distressed at the outcome. They truly believed the former occupant of the oval office would prevail and stay as president for another 4 years. They believed that massive numbers of Democrats would be arrested. They were CERTAIN of it. POSITIVE of it. BET THEIR LIVES ON IT. Then poof. All is gone. None of it was real. The former oval office occupant fled to a state where they kiss his a** buried in legal troubles having to find a 4th rate lawyer to defend him from the impeachment. Tail between his legs. His departure was embarrassing. He expected thousands and thousands of people to show up as he departed and well I don't know how many but it was a handful not to his liking. He never cared about anyone but himself. We knew that but "they" didn't know that. Now they do and they are devastated. Do they disappear or do they find another lunatic to cheer? Stay tuned. Thank you for your question Durdle. :) This post was edited by RosieG at January 23, 2021 1:37 AM MST
      January 23, 2021 1:34 AM MST