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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The internet is a one-dimensional LEVEL playing field. We all are equipped with the same weapon...WORDS. They REPEL or APPEAL. Correct?

The internet is a one-dimensional LEVEL playing field. We all are equipped with the same weapon...WORDS. They REPEL or APPEAL. Correct?

In the three-dimensional REAL WORLD we have lots of things we can use.

A well-timed EYE ROLL? A raised eyebrow? A smirk? Tears of joy from laughing so hard you get a stomach ache.

A shoulder shrug. Thumbs up thumbs down. A wink a nod a shake of the head.

Words do not carry the same weight in the real world because there are so many other options we have to use to communicate.

Which world do you prefer? The one-dimension of the internet where you can focus more easily or the REAL WORLD where so many things are there to distract you?  WHY?

Posted - January 25, 2021
