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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Contradictory peculiarities that make no sense abound. One of them is "covering the head in church". Want examples?

Contradictory peculiarities that make no sense abound. One of them is "covering the head in church". Want examples?

Jewish men wear Yarmulkes as a sign of respect and fear of GOD. It shows that GOD is always above humankind.

Catholic women cover their heads in church. A veil or a hat will do but a bare head will not. SEXIST?

Men wearing HATS remove them in church as a sign of respect.

Wear a hat to show respect
Remove a hat to show respect

People do it all the time and never remark on how ludicrous it is. In my opinion.

Do you go bareheaded or head covered in your house of worship? Would you not ever be caught oppositely because well it just isn't done?

More nonsense instead of common sense. I really don't think what covers you clothing wise matters at all to GOD. Do you? It is entirely whom you are what you do what you say and what's in your heart that matters. All the rest is confusing as he**. Apologies to GOD for the epithet but well it annoys me.

Posted - January 27, 2021
