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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » A wish of mine? That we all REAP what we all SOW. Ya know? Does that scare ya or are you on board with it?

A wish of mine? That we all REAP what we all SOW. Ya know? Does that scare ya or are you on board with it?

Posted - January 27, 2021


  • 10570
    If it scares us, then we should re-examine how we're living. 

    The phrase 'you'll reap what you sow' is usually said either with a shoulder shrug or with a wagging finger.  Rarely (if at all) is it said to someone who's doing good.  Everything we do is a seed.  It may not seem like it at the time, but it is.  If we're constantly planting good seeds, then we should want to reap what we sow.  But it were planting bad seeds, .....    

    Our actions have consequences... whether we think so or not  We need to periodically stop and ask ourselves, what kind of seeds am I sowing?  Am I sowing seeds that will produce a crop of fruit, or am I sowing seeds that will produce crop of thorns and thistles.  Whatever we sow we will reap... and we can't wear gloves doing it.
      January 27, 2021 11:35 AM MST

  • 113301
    Cast thy bread upon the waters? I think all too often what we sow we don't reap. And that's a pity. Some very good people lead very hard lives and some very bad people lead very successful profitable luxurious lives. That is not reaping what you sow. I think ideally that would be justice. I think logically it's hard to argue with or refute. Life is not anyone's "ideal". I bet even billionaires have complaints. But that is what we strive for isn't it? If long ago FOOTOO had reaped what he sowed he'd have been out of service and out of society and we would not be in our current mess. I think. I don't know. It's just conjecture. Thank you for your thoughtful reply Shuhak and Happy Thursday to you! :)
      January 28, 2021 1:15 AM MST

  • 6023
    I'm not scared of it ... but I'm not "on board" with it.

    I have plenty of evidence Karma doesn't exist to any measurable degree.

    And I don't believe in any afterlife.
    I have no evidence it exists, and there are too many possible options from the history of religions to pick one "just in case".
    I mean: what if Valhalla is the true system?  Or what if they are all real, and we choose after we die?  Or it's all random?
    Nope.  Life is enough to worry about, without worrying about where I'll spend eternity (if anywhere).
      January 27, 2021 3:17 PM MST

  • 113301
    I'm not sure what source you tapped into for your "plenty of evidence" Walt but I have no doubt whatever it is satisfies you. That is all well and good. An observation. You are a closed system. I'm an open system. You have decided that the probabilities or possibilities are non-existent. I have not decided anything nor can I since closing myself off would make my life less bright less hopeful and less exciting. We say different strokes for different folks. This is one of the differences. No one KNOWS what lies beyond until we get there. Even then who knows? But I can't make up mind about something when I don't have enough PROOF EVIDENCE FACT to satisfy me. I believe in miracles having experienced more than one. I expect you haven't. We can only believe what our intellect and temperament and character allows us to believe. It doesn't make either one of us better than the other. Just another difference. What works for thee is not what works for me. No harm no foul. It just is. Thank you for your reply and Happy Thursday to thee and thine. STAY SAFE! :)
      January 28, 2021 12:58 AM MST