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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Hate based on race. Hate based on delusional self-superiority. Hate based on subjugation of "the other" to enhance self. CIVIL WAR #2?

Hate based on race. Hate based on delusional self-superiority. Hate based on subjugation of "the other" to enhance self. CIVIL WAR #2?

Subjection. Conquer. Command. Control. The hate from Confederate treasonous traitors never left us. It went underground and now it has surfaced much strionger than ever before! The weapons are far better. The cooperation and support of much of the gubment was not here then. The treasonous traitor Confederates fought AGAINST THE GOVERNMENT to take it down.

Some in the gubment bugment today enable facilitatea conspire collude cooperate with the newly risen CONFEDERACY! THE ENEMY WITHIN rises again. More vicious than ever before.

WAY BACK THEN the women stayed out of it. At home, Quiet. Silent. Obedient. TODAY? There is much evidence that the C ONFDERATE WOMEN ARE TAKING OVER. The men BLEW IT before. Now it's up to the wimmen to do what the men did not do! WIN BACK THE RIGHT TO HAVE SLAVES. This next bit is a bit of a sticky wicket.

Put women back in their place. Barefoot pregnant good for only the bedroom and the kitchen.

How can this be with wimmen in charge for the current civil war?

Easy. They are traitors to one another and have no loyal to their own kind. None. Zero. Zilch. Nada.

That's how it works you see.

Well place your bets. Don't know the odds of the REPUBLICAN CONFEDERATE DAMES WINNING. Do you? The men are just for being ordered around and given scripts of what to say or do. No decision making is left to the men. They can't handle it.

So besides margee tail lure greene the queen of mean who else among the current CONFEDERATE REPUBLICAN wimmen do you see leading the fight?

Posted - January 31, 2021
