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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » FOOTOO has been IMPEACHED BY THE HOUSE TWICE! Nothing will ever undo that or rescind that or erase that. The Senate?

FOOTOO has been IMPEACHED BY THE HOUSE TWICE! Nothing will ever undo that or rescind that or erase that. The Senate?

Who cares if they once again say he did nothing wrong and refuse to impeach? They whinya** spineless SOB's. They have shown that absolutely so why would you expect them to suddenly get one and do the right thing?

Could they? Sure they could. Anything is possible. Will they? Naw. Too gutless too terrified too wimpy too wussy to anger FOOTOO and to anger the base they need to be re-elected. They will all sleep with margee tail lure greeeen the mean queen because FOOTOO endorses her and adores her. Even the Republican dames will sleep with her if that's what it takes to prove LOYALTY to FOOTOO too. Shocked? C'mon no you aren't. Hoors do what hoors do. Always have and always will I s'pose. Why not? What could it hurt? Everyone says so!

Posted - February 2, 2021
