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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » With respect to those newest electronic thingies some folks always want to be first to buy and try. Why?

With respect to those newest electronic thingies some folks always want to be first to buy and try. Why?

Why not wait till all the "bugs" are worked out and there a basis/pattern of success?

I wait. Let others be first and let them debug glitches. I'll wait. No hurry. Eventually when the newest electronic thingy comes out prices will drop and that's when I try what I try when I do.

No interest? Honestly I don't know what it is. Jim has a cell phone smart phone. I never touch it. Don't like them.

There are apps to buy to download every day. They can be money pits I expect having to buy this app and that and then horror of horrors a NEW and IMPROVED one comes out and yours is now obsolete so out you go to buy the new and try it and debug.

A merry-go-round that always ends where it begins. I don't see the point but then I'm not them. There are more of "them" than there are of me or my ilk. I'm pretty sure of that.

There ya go. True confessions of an ANTI-ELECTRONIC THINGY old lady. I miss dial phones so shoot me! :)

Posted - February 3, 2021


  • 44546
    I agree. The entire purpose of the cell phone industry is TO MAKE MONEY. I don't have a 'Not-as-smart-as-me' phone. I have an old flipper that I only use occaisionally. I charge the battery about once a month. When my daughter texts, it is to Pat, since my phone is rarely turned on at home.
      February 3, 2021 8:25 AM MST

  • 113301
    Boy you have no idea how that perks me up. I'm gonna high five you. Seriously E. Oh..I kinda love that "not-as-smart-as-me" phone bit. We have a smart TV. If it's so smart why do we have to call Spectrum on occasion to get it unglitched? Now I do like that Jim has a phone on him when he leaves the house in case something comes up and I need to contact him. More importantly if he has car trouble he can call for help. So that's the only benefit I see from it. He does play with it a lot. He likes bells and whistles and gadgets and secret compartments. His son (the one who passed away) got him his first cell phone which was very sweet kind and loving. At the time it was a phone. But over time what have they become? A camera and house protector a car opener. I mean what can't your cell phone do remotely? Passed being just a phone long ago. Progress right? Thank you for your reply E! :)
      February 7, 2021 12:09 PM MST

  • 10560
    Keeping up with the Jones. 

    Some people like prestige. "I have the new iPhone 666 plus.  Sure I had to sell my soul to get it, but it's got 55Gs and shoots virtual flames".   
    Others don't like to feel left out. "Yeah, well, I'm going to go buy one right now!"
    Some are skeptical.  "I'd like to have it, but I hear it has a glitch so Siri only speaks in pig latin.  And the virtual flames can cause it to explode."
    And some just don't care.  "Pfft!  Who needs that junk.  My crank phone works just fine. (Hello, Mable?  Get me Fleetwood 561").

    The tech companies are counting on the first two groups.  All they have to do is put a new product out every 15 seconds, say something like, "now with the option of connecting to a 25g network, and just watch the money roll in.  The average person won't even use new "new" features ... but they are happy knowing that if they ever did, they could do it (providing they find out what "it" even is).  The companies also pull fast ones on people by taking away features on teh "newest model", then adding them back on the next model as if it were some great new invention.  "Model F eliminates that annoying on/of button."  (then, a few month later...) "Our new model G features a stylish state-of-the-art on/off button."  
      February 3, 2021 11:59 AM MST

  • 113301
    You are just TOO MUCH m'dear. I know you know what jumped right out at me. "666". Too funnee. Then again not remotely funnee. SIGH. I know you are being way sarcastic but actually you'd make a dam* good writer of advertisements. Mode F eliminates and makes sound so avant garde. Model features what Model F eliminated and sound so avant garde. Like taking candy from a bady as it were so speak. I don't understand any of the dialogue. What is a G or a g? Why is 55 better than 3 or none? It would be totally lost on the likes of me and my ilk but on the "buyers"? How could they resist? Thank you for your reply Shuhak! :)
      February 7, 2021 8:09 AM MST

  • 10560
    From what I can gather, "G" stands for generation.   The higher the "g" the faster a phone's connection speed.  I think 6G  is the current rate.

    Personally, I think "G" stands for "Greek", as in "it's all greek to me".
      February 7, 2021 10:05 AM MST

  • 113301
    A fast phone? You dial the number and it rings. Why do you need it to be faster than that? Oh I bet I know. The phone should ANTICIPATE the number you are going to call and when you reach for it to dial it's already ringing? Or better yet the person you want to reach is already on the line waiting? I'm kinda joking but mostly not. Thank you for your reply Shuhak! I like a faster internet connection than a slower one..slow being ten minutes. It doesn't have to come up in 3. It's not like a car going 0-60 in 3 seconds for me! Thank you for your reply! :)
      February 7, 2021 10:29 AM MST

  • 10560
    True psychic hotlines?

    How about with 2 G, your ringtone sounds like a 45 record playing on 33 speed.  But with 4G, it's like a 33 being played on 78.   (Alvin?   Alvin?? AL-VIN!)

    You mean you didn't like the old 1200 baud dial-up modems?  Why, they could load a graphicless web page in less than a day.  And if you had one of those expensive 24.4 modems, that time was cut down to mere hours. (and now we complain that instant is to slow)
      February 7, 2021 10:53 AM MST

  • 113301
    Well no not that slow. I don't think my computer is that slow but on occasion when Jim's friend Alan (a computer whiz) came over to fix something for us he seemed really impatient with how long it took. I mean it wasn't minutes it was seconds  Idon't really know what InSTANT ON is but I'm good with what I have. Of course I'm still running Windows 7 so at some point there'll be big trouble I guess. Until then I'm good to go! Thank you for your reply Shuhak. Yeah I guess that would be psychic hotlines wouldn't it? You'd just think what you wanted and it would happen. But that could be very dangerous unless you were 100% decisive and never changed your mind. Know what I mean? :)
      February 7, 2021 11:01 AM MST

  • 10560
    (Psst... um... don't tell anyone, but.... (*looks carefully to the left and then to the right*) ... but, I'm still running Windows 7 too.)
      February 7, 2021 11:10 AM MST

  • 113301
    See we ARE related in some alternate plane of existence. We may be the only two left. I won't tell if you don't! Thank you for your reply. Your SECRET IS SAFE WITH ME. I'm a SCORPIO after all. We take secrets to the grave. No kidding! :) This post was edited by RosieG at February 7, 2021 11:40 AM MST
      February 7, 2021 11:21 AM MST

  • 3719
    I think Element and Shuhak have explained it all fully!

    I don't have a "smart " phone either , just a basic text and voice instrument I have not linked to the Internet.

    A friend of mine has a good illustration of this "must-have latest and best" mentality. A keen and very good amateur photographer with a lot of very costly cameras, he said there were a few fellow camera-club members whose photographs were good but never really outstanding.

    The reason was that they changed cameras so often to take advantages of some new extra or other, that they never really became sufficiently accustomed to the instrument, so never used it at its and their best.
      February 4, 2021 11:26 AM MST

  • 113301
    I miss the days you could buy a TV bring it home plug it in and watch whatever you wanted to watch. No remote controls to program. You'd get up off your butt to change channels of which there were not thousands of them. Who watches thousands of channels anyway? There is so much excess and overdo in everything these days. Way more than we need or want or can use. On the one hand. On the other hand people go to bed hungry at night who are homeless. It makes no sense. Thank you for your reply Durdle and Happy Sunday to thee and thine! :)
      February 7, 2021 2:05 AM MST

  • 3719
    Well, I escape the worst of it by having no television.

    Oh, it's all peddled and pushed and talked up as "increasing competition for consumers" but the listings magazines suggest all it's doing is spawning umpteen narrow-interest, expensive subscription channels that spread the genuine talent and originality more and more thinly; for more and more total cost.

    In the UK it meant a huge number of supposedly-local commercial radio stations, but over time these consolidated into a few cheapskate pop station companies assembling play-lists in small central studios,  and adding a bit of local news and advertisements.

    And "consumer"? I don't consume the news or anything else. I read it in the newspaper or hear it on the radio, not eat it! 

    I won a Digital Audio Broadcast radio in a charity raffle some years ago. A few months ago I unpacked it for the first time and read the instructions. By about page 6 I gave up and packed it all away again. I have retired from using complicated electronic test instruments, so why would I want similar complexity simply to listen to just two, and occasionally a third, broadcast channels carrying all the news, music, plays, comedies and special-interest programmes I want?


    As for computers... after a disastrous introduction to  Microsoft's scrappy, gimmicky WIN-10 I am staying with WIN-7 for as long as possible. 
      February 8, 2021 11:48 AM MST

  • 113301
    ((hugs)) Pardon the impertinence Durdle but I am running Windows 7 as well and I know Shuhak is still running it. Are we rigid to do so? I don't think that's it at all. Windows 7 works very well. WHY FIX WHAT AIN'T BROKE? I really LOVED XL but at some point a switch had to be made. I got used to 7. All I have heard about 10 is horror stories. It seems me if you create an "improvement" that is troublesome and annoying why shove it down people's throats? Not my cuppa tea and there are others of our ilk who believe similarly. We are not the target for the sellers of "new and improved". Never will be. Thank you for your reply Durdle! :)
      February 9, 2021 1:38 AM MST