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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » There is on the one hand way too much way too overdone. So much so that you cannot possibly use everything available. On the other hand?

There is on the one hand way too much way too overdone. So much so that you cannot possibly use everything available. On the other hand?

Millions of people go to bed at night hungry. Worried about how they are going to survive. It is a world of EXTREMES.

We have SMART TV with hundreds of thousands of channels available. WHO WATCHES ALL OF THEM?
We have SMART gadgets up the kazoo and millions of people have them too just to have not necessarily to use. While there are people being murdered in savage ways due to the Extreme HATE that is the foundation of all the Despot Dictator Extreme Right-Wing loco nuts. The HAVES and the HAVE NOTS.

All it takes is GOOD LUCK and LOTS OF MONEY. YOU TOO can live a nifty fancy exciting life. Or die because you were not lucky at all.

It is a crazy thing this life. Isn't it?  Where traitors and treasoners and saboteurs and MURDERERS are exalted and sanctified and worshipped.
Where HATE is the ticket to salvation. Where crackpot nutjob wackadoodlenoodle is adored and copycatted and prayed to?

None of it makes any sense at all. And yet here we are.

Posted - February 7, 2021
