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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Does anyone believe the FOOTOO defense team did a magnificent job defending the client? Soaring rhetoric and absolute FACTUAL evidence?

Does anyone believe the FOOTOO defense team did a magnificent job defending the client? Soaring rhetoric and absolute FACTUAL evidence?

They didn't even try to lipstick that pig. Know why? They came in with what they had. That's what you get when you scrape the bottom of the barrel. Blithering idiots who talked about CALVARY and INCITEMENT TO RESURRECTION. If that didn't getcha nothing would.

Yet the conclusion is foregone. The FOOTOO slavish GOP Senators are resolute in their determination to let him off the hook for the SECOND TIME. Even though many of them experienced being hunted by the crazed FOOTOO violent dometic terrorists. They shrug off that Mike Pence could have been hung...THEIR OWN GUY FOR CRYIN OUT LOUD. No problem with having Nancy Prelosi be hung for them. They have no dog in that fight. Didn't even matter at all. They will not convict FOOTOO no matter what he do no matter what he say no matter what. Why? They are all whinya** TERRIFIED of FOOTOO and the FOOTOO voters. Above all else they want to preserve their way of life putting self interest over oath of office and country and Constitution. They are no better than FOOTOO. SELFISH SELF-INTEREST.

They all sold their souls to the Devil when they signed on to suck up and kiss the FOOTOO a**. That includes the attempted coup. Had it worked and had FOOTOO "won" they would have slavishly rolled over and given him even more of what he wants. No pride. No soul. No spirit. No self-pride or self-esteem or self-worth. A disgusting mass of saps. DISGUSTING.

Posted - February 13, 2021
