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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "Plate tectonics determine locations of oil and gas reserves." The 4 areas most likely to have huge deposits?

"Plate tectonics determine locations of oil and gas reserves." The 4 areas most likely to have huge deposits?

Desert areas, arctic areas river deltas and continental margins offshore.

Specific environmental conditions over a bazillion years caused it.

I wonder who was the first to dig deep in the ground? Looking for what exactly?

Posted - February 16, 2021


  • 10560

    Because oil is formed by decaying plants, algae and bacteria, it's found in sedimentary rock.... old ocean bottoms.  Today we dig deep to get oil (crude oil), but thousands of years ago someone was probably on the surface.  It may even have been an annoyance (can't grow crops where there's oil, and it contaminates drinking water).  It was useful in reinforcing buildings (shed water???). 

    (to get humorous...)

    Some unknown idiot probably boasted he could make something out of this "crude", and, after many unsuccessful tries (and a lot of taunting), decided to put some in his uncle's new distillery and see what happened.  Before long gasoline stations began popping up like Starbucks (that's why Henry Ford invented the car... to keep these people in business).  Not to be out done by the West, the Russians bottled this new liquid and sold it to the Finnish people as "new and improved vodka" - at outlandish prices.  Unfortunately, the drink was a flop.  Angry, the Finns took the bottles of liquid, stuck rags into them, lit the rags on fire and threw them back at the Russians.  And so the Molotov cocktail was born.

    There was a man named Peter Grint who distilled crude and sold the gasoline to "gas" stations all over the country.  This meant he had to be gone for days at a time.  Now his wife knew he was fooling around on these “trips”.  She also knew that what he was making was very volatile.  One day she finally had enough.  To get back at him, she filled one of the house lamps with some of the leftovers she found by his still and set it where he’d be sure to find it… right next to his bed.  One stormy evening while Mr. Grint was away on one of his “trips”, Mrs. Grint was home making some of her famous zucchini bread.  Suddenly, the power went out leaving the entire countryside in the dark.  Mrs. Grint found the kitchen lamp, but it was dry.  She fumbled around until she found another lamp beside the bed.  She’d forgotten, but this lamp was the one she’d rigged for her husband.  When she lit it, it glowed brightly – more so than any lamp ever had.  Mrs. Grint had discovered a new lamp fuel.  She divorced her husband, and marketed her new fuel, using a blend of her first name and her maiden name – Carol Seen.  Kerosene. 

      February 16, 2021 12:34 PM MST

  • 113301
    My first thought? You're giving this away for FREE! For FREE? You KNOW you could make a a killing, a living out of writing don't you? Why on earth HAVEN'T YOU? Geez Shuhak I"D GLADLY PAY to read your stuff even without coupons! You rip it off and entertain and what do you get out of it?What is your payoff? Anyway I'm a a huge fan so keep it up please and thank you. I think you missed your calling though I don't know yet what life has in store for you? I guess there is no set age to be discovered. In the meantime keep practicing on us! Okey dokey? How old was Grandma Moses when SHE was discovered?
      February 16, 2021 1:07 PM MST

  • 10560
    I enjoy writing humorously, but I really dont think I'm all that good at it.
      February 16, 2021 6:17 PM MST

  • 113301
    OF course "good" means different things to different people. I suppose whatever style you use is my cuppa tea and that makes complete sense. We are drawn to music we like and foods we like and authors we like  people we like. We are not all drawn to the same things. So while I would argue that point with you..."....I really don't think I'm all that good at it" from my point of view that isn't all there is. I LOVE broccoli. I think George H. W. Bush hated it and made a big deal out of it. We are both right...for what we enjoy. Thank you for your reply Shuhak and Happy Wednesday to thee and thine! :)
      February 17, 2021 2:31 AM MST