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Randy D
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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » I don't remember imaginging much if anything when I was a child. My imagination grew as I aged. Same for you?

I don't remember imaginging much if anything when I was a child. My imagination grew as I aged. Same for you?

Posted - February 19, 2021


  • 10560
    I was excessively imaginative as a child. I didn't have just 1 or 2 imaginary friends, I had hundreds.  I was making up stories about them when I was 3... and even recited new ones aloud each night before going to sleep (drove my brother nuts!).  I was always making up "things" outside - the wall of the upper lawn was a road for my Tootsie cars, the front steps were a raceway, the backyard was a deep forest, and the tunnels in the blackberries transported me to magical lands (and then to  bathroom for mom to pull out the thorns).  
    When I went to first grade, I created "roads" and tunnels in the ball field using existing things like stumps, rocks and bare spots in the grass (you don't move or touch them, you just imagine).   
    As I grew, I saw and learned more and more... which only served to feed my already fertile imagination; causing it to mushroom well beyond its once limitless boundaries.  The more my imagination is fed, the bigger it grows and the deeper its roots go. 
      February 19, 2021 1:19 PM MST