Last updated 16:32, July 1 2016
Last updated 16:32, July 1 2016
Now you see her, now you don't. Paris Hilton in the ISHU scarf.
Weirdly, we can't remember the last time we were caught out by the paparazzi, but this is pretty cool anyway.
Dutch fashion designer Saif Siddiqui has designed a scarf that renders the wearer invisible in flash photography, the Telegraph reports.
Called the ISHU scarf, it reflects light back towards the camera, making any photos dark to the point of being unusable. Paris Hilton is a fan.
Then how did they get the version on the left? No flash?
Do you know that never occurred to me????
What is my problem? You are a genius. Anyway, it must be something to do with the out of doors? It has to do with the flash.
The paparazzi are going to have to figure ways to herd the celebrity indoors I guess.
That will stop the "point-and-shoot" crowd but a good photographer with a decent digital camera and strobe and Photoshop should be able to breeze right past that little hurdle.
Not a big problem for a photographer that knows how to work with "available light." (like the photo on the left)
And the Paparazzi are PAID much bucks to think of overcoming this kind of obstacle, S&P, so you are right-on. It may stop the normal photographer looking for a photo opportunity, but a real Pro, NO WAY. Papparazzi are trained to stalk.
Well, I guess they think the photogs are as dumb as the celebs.
Yep. No flash.
Notice the shadowing on her face and in the folds of the fabric of the scarf. Not even "fill" lighting from the available light sources was used (positioning her to take advantage of the available light sources to light her face "naturally").
Remember Pet Rocks? Some people will buy anything.
Meanwhile, the guy who "invented" that is now a millionaire.
A dead millionaire.
Yes.....I just ordered three !
@ALF - he was 78 years old. We all die some time.
LOL it's about time you were funny again.
And only £289.00 for a scarf. It's a bargain.
I don't take any of the credit away from him and I'm glad to see he "made it" ... without my help.