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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The moratorium on unpaid rent is not forgiven. It is still owed and becomes like a student loan. A burdensome debt. Right?

The moratorium on unpaid rent is not forgiven. It is still owed and becomes like a student loan. A burdensome debt. Right?

There are ten million renters behind in their rent and at risk for eviction. 16 million renters have little or no confidence they can pay rent for February. Is there any solution to this crisis? It's almost March. Any light at the end of the tunnel?

Posted - February 26, 2021


  • 10560
    There is no light.  In fact, for many the end of the tunnel is sealed with a thick steel wall.  Many renters have a hard time making rent in a "good" month.  Adding another "bill" to the mess (back rent) will eventually forced many out onto the streets (once things are "back to normal").  And even then, prices of other necessities continue to soar (food, fuel, utilities, etc.).  What once seemed like a godsend (still able to keep shelter) is quickly turning into a curse.  And it only gets worse.... many of the landlords need that money to keep themselves going.  Their bills continue to accumulate too.  
    The only solution for the renter other than to have the debts forgiven outright.  Even if that happens, someone still has to lose.  Someone must absorb that loss.  The only ones even able to absorb that big of loss are the very wealthy... and they're not going to do it without some sort of  compensation from the government.  Since the government is run on taxes, any "compensation" will require the raising of taxes, putting the burden back on everyone.  The rich get richer and the poor renter is forced onto the street because they cant afford to pay rent (let alone food).  
      February 26, 2021 11:12 AM MST