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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » I think Chris Wray said the FBI has about 2000 (TWO THOUSANDS) cases open of DOMESTIC TERRORIST ACYIVITIES. WHO BE DEM?

I think Chris Wray said the FBI has about 2000 (TWO THOUSANDS) cases open of DOMESTIC TERRORIST ACYIVITIES. WHO BE DEM?

The WHITE SUPREMACIST HATE GROUPS supporting the head honcho FOOTOO that's who!


Anyone care to say they are ALL antifa and black lives matter and that none of them are at all involved with hate groups gung ho girly men weatherbirlyhurlymen QANON hurlyburlygirlymen? Proud boygirly men. Skinhead girlymen. KKKgirlymen. Militagirlymen. Conspirarcytheorygirlymen. Or menlygirls. Not one of them at all involved in any kind of violence. Never happen as GOD is their witness. Right on.

They hate great quietly and never bother anyone. They pray to FOOTOO 24/7 and are filled with him by him of him and for him. They have no time to domestic violence. More bad press just to harm the great white fodder of them all..the FOOTOO. HOODOO VOODOO FOOTOO YOOHOO.

Poor souls. So maligned and attacked when they are the best of the best and so good so kind so loving so caring.

Right on!

Posted - March 3, 2021
