Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Sane or insane? Who can judge fairly? During his day how was Leonardo da Vinci perceived?

Sane or insane? Who can judge fairly? During his day how was Leonardo da Vinci perceived?

1452-1519. The lifetime of Leonardo da Vinci
He was, and I quote
A polymath painter, sculptor, architect, musician, scientist, mathemetician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartographer, botanist, writer. He was "into" mechanical engineering, optics, physics, pyrotecknics, zoology. Also civil engineering, chemistry, geology, geometrey, hydrodynamics. He was the inventor of or idea giver of
armored fighting vehicles
rudimentary theory of plate techtonics
The double hull ship

He left sketchbooks of all his ideas, inventions, interests.

Now we see him as a GENIUS. But during his time what did his "neighbors" think of him? Crackpot loony tune nutjob? I don't know. But I think probably so. These days rigid thinking is the way to go. No flexibility. Nothing stretches or expands. It is what it is because it is. That's it.  Sigh.

Posted - March 5, 2021
