Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Why have so many species become extinct? Because the environment in which they lived became HOSTILE to them. And homo sapiens?

Why have so many species become extinct? Because the environment in which they lived became HOSTILE to them. And homo sapiens?

I believe homo sapiens reached its zenith long ago and has been in decline ever since then on our way to extinction. Exacerbated by the political inclination of the nation most recently and the attempted insurrection that was foiled and failed. This time.

We have seen far far better times. We have lived during far far better days. Do you hear the death rattle? Listen very intently and intensely. Do you hear what I hear?

Of course I speak of America..The United States there of...

But I suspect the situation is worldwide. Extreme right wing violent domestic terrorists who are WHITE SUPREMACISTS and believe not only in APARTHEID as they lived in south Africa but in EXTINCTION of the unwhite. Worldwide. In your country too FASCISM is spreading. HATE of "the other" is exploding. Violence is infecting everywhere. Bigotry too.

To all things there is a time. A time to plant a time to reap a time to live a time to die.

Nothing lasts forever. No one either.

Posted - March 7, 2021
