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"Nearly 1 in 3 women experience violence." Are you among them? Too peronal to share if you are?

One time only indirectly.

My ex was a smoker. Many many many years ago he got angry about something. We had a lovely freeform aqua ceramic  dish which I guess could be used for anything. Holding candy for one thing. He used it as an ashtray. I kept it very clean. One day he got very angry about whatever. He picked up that dish (it was clean) and SMASHED it on the kitchen floor. Fortunately it was made such that there were no glass shards or splinters or slivers. Just chunks of ceramic. Of course it frightened me which was the intention. So violence was committed in my presence but not at me directly. That's it. Lucky me.

Oh. Well once at the age of 14 I smashed my hand through a glass window on the upper part of a door leading from the laundry room to the outside. I was furious. Scared me so much I vowed to NEVER get that angry again. And I never have.

Posted - March 10, 2021
