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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Choices. Either live your life honestly being true to you and open or close up tight trust no one and stay safe. Which do you do?

Choices. Either live your life honestly being true to you and open or close up tight trust no one and stay safe. Which do you do?

Many decades ago my then-friend Dorothy ( passed on years ago) asked me why I was always so open and honest and TRUSTING? She said others would use that against me. Of course I thanked her but I told her I didn't know any other way to be. If others used that against me so be it! That was all on them not me.

How do you live YOUR life? Always protecting yourself, distrustful of others, defensive? Or are you the one who takes advantage of the trust of others and uses it against them? To what end? For what purpose? Notches on a gun to show a conquest, a "kill"?

There are some people you can talk to for YEARS and never really got to know them. They don't want you anywhere near the core of whom they are. Too afraid of what you might do if you only knew.

Safe. FAKE..

Posted - March 13, 2021


  • 19938
    I think you can live your life honestly without being too open when it comes to things that are very personal.  There are those who I can tell something and know it won't go any further, and there are those who I thought would keep that information to themselves and then discovered that they didn't.  In the latter case, it was a couple of co-workers, so I learned my lesson and remained somewhat friendly, but never confided in them again.  I have one friend whom I've known since we were 11 years old.  She and I have been through each other's ups and downs over all these years and I know that I can tell her anything and she will not judge me and vice versa.  She is the kind of friend who would get on a plane at 2 AM to come if I needed her and she'd stop off to buy a half gallon of ice cream for us to share.  I would do the same for her.
      March 13, 2021 6:59 AM MST

  • 113301
    I never regret being entirely me. I don't open all the way to some. I work on the "vibes" I get from people. Sometimes he vibes and the words are at odds. I go with the vibes. Of course that puts me in a vulnerable position. You learn whom you can trust and whom you can't. You are forwarned and thus forearmed. Once there was a salesman whose wife and kids I got to know and just ADORED. I looked upon him as a trusted older brother. I confided in him. One day the "boss" told me something he learned that could only have come from this "trusted" person. I never spoke to him again. Or his family. I don't regret anything. I learned from that a big lesson. You put yourself in jeopardy by being you so whatever comes from that is something you have to learn from. I do. I also NEVER FORGET A SLIGHT A BETRAYAL A HURT. I don't believe in retaliation or revenge. I figure such people are punishment enough all on their own all alone. They don't need me to add to the burden of being whom they are and what they are. I'm a loner. Always have been. Always will be. The person I can always depends upon is me. I don't "test". I don't set people up to see how they will perform. I just do and say and then go on my way. Some I go out of my way to ignore avoid. I think everyone does that too. Thank you for your thoughtful reply L. I'm very happy you have such a friend as that. I've had a long series of such friends. Ships in the night. We meet, encounter then go our separate ways. :)
      March 13, 2021 7:36 AM MST

  • 19938
    I'm pretty much a loner as well.  I take friendship very seriously, so I don't have a lot of friends - just a lot of acquaintances.  Most people come and go from my life and are then forgotten.  I had a neighbor with whom I was very close - true friends - but she passed away a long while ago.  She is probably the only person I really still miss.  
      March 13, 2021 8:15 AM MST

  • 113301
    Of course she will always be part of you. That is something no one can ever take away. The memories of your experiences. They belong to you and you alone! Thank you for your thoughtful reply L! :)
      March 19, 2021 5:52 AM MDT

  • 19938
    True enough. :)
      March 19, 2021 8:50 AM MDT

  • 113301
      March 22, 2021 6:26 AM MDT